When sending in a manuscript to the editorial office, authors should ensure that their submission meets all of the following criteria:
- the work has not been previously published in another journal;
- the manuscript is not under review by another journal;
- references are provided with full internet addresses (URLs) and DOI links where possible;
- all co-authors have approved the text of the manuscript and agree to its publication in the journal;
- the author(s) has(ve) read and accepted the terms of the licensing agreement – the public offer regarding the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the licensed work;
- a scanned consent form for processing personal data, completed by each author individually, has been signed and is to be uploaded as an additional file with the manuscript;
- the manuscript file is submitted in Microsoft Word document format (DOCX or DOC), RTF or ODT and meets the journal’s requirements specified in the Author Guidelines.
Any breach of these principles may lead to a withdrawal of a manuscript. In the event of the violation of these principles after the publication of a manuscript, the editors have the right to withdraw it from the journal.
2. The manuscripts submitted for publication must be relevant and novel. The structure of an article should include the aim and objectives of the research, methodology, a description, and discussion of the main research results and conclusions.
3. The recommended length of an article is about 40 thousand characters with spaces.
4. References should include at least 30 sources, and no less than 50% of which should be recent, i.e. published during the last 10 years. Self-citation should not exceed 10% of the list of references.
5. Links to all non-author's Internet sources, regulatory documents, datasets, etc. should be given in footnotes and are not included in the list of references.
6. The submission of the Work to the Licensee via the personal account on the website https://journals.kantiana.ru/ is deemed to constitute acceptance of the terms of this Licence Agreement, which represents a public offer for the transfer of non-exclusive rights to use the Work (Article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the requirement for the written form of the Agreement is deemed satisfied. Neither printing nor signing the Agreement is required.
Template of the Licence Agreement (Public Offer)
A scanned copy of the consent for personal data processing (completed individually by each author) must be signed and uploaded as an additional file to the manuscript via the personal account on the website https://journals.kantiana.ru/.
7. The Baltic Region is published in Russian and English and is indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus.
8. The journal adheres to the policy "Your paper, your way". This means that authors are not expected to format the article in accordance with the requirements of the journal during the initial submission. However, the manuscript should include all the necessary elements (title, abstract, keywords, structured text, and references). Please note that the work must still be neatly formatted, and tables and figures must be readable. Upon approval of the manuscript for publication, the authors are expected to format the text according to the guidelines provided.
9. All questions about publishing an article in the Baltic region can be sent to the Deputy Chief Editor of the journal, Tatiana Y. Kuznetsova, by e-mail: tikuznetsova@kantiana.ru or tikuznetsova@gmail.com.
An article must contain the following structural elements:
1) Title in Russian and English (up to 12 words);
2) Abstract in Russian and English (150-200 words), which includes:
The abstract should not repeat the text of the article. No sentences taken from the article or the title can be used in the abstract. The abstract should not contain numbers, tables, or footnotes.
3) Keywords in Russian and English (4-8 words);
4) The text of the publication should be structured according to the IMRAD principle. If it is impossible to stick to the IMRAD structure, the article should be divided into thematic blocks.
5) The list of sources (no less than 30) is built in the order of appearance in the text and formatted in accordance with the Harvard System of Referencing Guide in the original language of the publication and a separate block in Latin (References). The numbering of entries in the reference section is continuous regardless of the language of the publication.
6) Information about the authors in Russian and English (name, patronymic and family name in full, academic degrees, titles, position, place of work (organization, city, country, postal address, e-mail, ORCID).
7) Acknowledgements should be brief. Acknowledgements can contain grant and contribution numbers.
The platinum open access policy adopted by the Baltic Region allows and encourages authors to post their accepted articles on personal websites orrepositories, such as ResearchGate and/or affiliated institution’s storage systems. This can be done both before and after publication. Authors should include a citation linking to the published version of the article in this journal within the bibliographic description
The journal adheres to the free self-archiving policy (See more at paragraph 9 here).
Authorship and co-authorship policy
Authors publishing in the Baltic Region journal agree to the following:
1. Authors retain copyright to their manuscripts and grant the journal the right of first publication under the terms of CC BY-NC 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Deed. The CC BY-NC licence allows authors to retain copyright while permitting extensive reuse, provided the original work is properly cited.
2. Authors retain the right to enter into separate agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the manuscript version published in the journal (e.g., posting it in the repository of the affiliated institution) with a reference to its original publication in the Baltic Region.
3. The journal also supports the green open access model, which encourages authors to post preprints and postprints of their articles in institutional repositories and other platforms. Special attention should be given to platforms such as Preprints, SocArXiv and SSRN. Authors are welcome to share datasets used in the article (with appropriate references) on platforms such as Figshare and Mendeley Data.
Names and email addresses entered on the journal’s website will be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by the periodical and will not be employed for any other purposes or disclosed to any individuals or organisations.
Following the recommendations of professional communities, the editorial office of the Baltic Region advises that authorship should be identified based on the following criteria:
Each author of the manuscript must meet all four of the above authorship criteria.
In addition to being responsible for the parts of the work they personally performed, authors must have a complete understanding of the contributions and research integrity of all co-authors involved in the work.
All individuals who meet the four criteria should be identified as authors, while those who do not meet all four criteria should be mentioned in the article’s Acknowledgments section.
Contributions of authors and non-authors
The Acknowledgments section may mention individuals who have contributed to the work but do not meet the authorship criteria, including those who have supported the research, acted as mentors, assisted in data collection or coordinated the research.
To accurately determine contributions, authors of the Baltic Region can use one of the COPE-recommended guidelines:
General Guidelines for Authorship Contributions
CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy
Each contributor must be familiar with and agree to the list and order of the manuscript’s authors before it is submitted to the editorial office.
If contributors wish to make changes to the list of authors after the manuscript has been submitted, they must provide the editor with a written justification for the changes in accordance with COPE recommendations. This justification should detail the contributions of the added and/or removed authors to the work on the manuscript and must be signed by all authors of the manuscript.
In the case of any disagreements among the authors, the review of the article will be paused until a consensus is reached within the group.
If the article has already been published and assigned a volume and issue number, any editor-approved requests for changes to authorship will lead to the issuance of corrections.