Балтийский регион
Baltic Region
ISSN: 2079-8555 (Print)
ISSN: 2310-0524 (Online)
The environmental problems of the Baltic Sea basin

The main environmental problems of the Baltic Sea and the ways to solve them


The Baltic Sea is a unique ecological system, an integral part of the global ecological system, which is in urgent need of protection from destructive anthropogenic impact stemming from the production and consumption of nuclear energy and artificial radionuclides, agriculture, oil and oil product transportation, and sewage and solid waste treatment. The article outlines the main environmental problems of the Baltic Seas and the ways to solve them.

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An assessment of the potential impact of the construction of a deepwater seaport on the hydrological regime of the Vistula lagoon


This article focuses on the level fluctuation in the Vistula Lagoon. In view of the planned construction of a deepwater seaport in its waters, the author emphasizes the negative impact on its hydrological regime: rise in the levels which could lead to the flooding of the territories adjoining the mouth of the Pregolya river, increase in salinity, extinction of hydrobionts, and destruction of the ecological systems.

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