Балтийский регион
Baltic Region
ISSN: 2079-8555 (Print)
ISSN: 2310-0524 (Online)
Foreign nationals on the Boards of Directors of Russia’s Ten Largest Non-Financial Companies Investing Overseas
Pages 33-52

Foreign nationals on the Boards of Directors of Russia’s Ten Largest Non-Financial Companies Investing Overseas



This author analyses the international membership of the boards of directors of Russia’s ten largest outbound investors. The data used in the study come from the companies’ annual reports and official websites. The information is correct as of February 2017. It is concluded that foreign nationals hold 30 % of board seats in Russia’s ten largest non-financial companies investing abroad. US, British, and German nationals comprise two-thirds of foreign nationals on the boards of directors. Among the 30 foreign holders of board seats, there is only one citizen of China. Women account for five percent of directors in Russia’s ten largest investors overseas. The proportion of female directors in Russia’s 50 largest corporations is similar. This suggests that internationalisation of Russian companies has not improved the chances for women to enter boards of directors.

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The article