Балтийский регион
Baltic Region
ISSN: 2079-8555 (Print)
ISSN: 2310-0524 (Online)

  1. Prof. Andrei P. Klemeshev, President of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 56322656400; ORCID) - Editor in Chief;

  2. Dr. Tatyana Yu. Kuznetsova, leading researcher, Institute for Regional and Geopolitical Studies, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 57191663007https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9707-5003ResearcherID: P-5410-2015) - Deputy Chief Editor;

  3. Prof. Joachim von Braun, director of the Center for Development Research (ZEF), Professor, University of Bonn, Germany (Author ID SCOPUS: 6701709544; ORCID);

  4. Prof. Irina M. Busygina (*declared as a foreign agent by Russian government), Department of Applied Political Science, Higher School of Economics, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 6603758555);

  5. Prof. Aleksander G. Druzhinin, director of the North Caucasian Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems, Southern Federal University, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 7005628550);

  6. Prof. Mikhail V. Ilyin, prof. of the School of Politics and Governance, Higher School of Economics, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 57191089482; ORCID)

  7. Dr Pertti Joenniemi, senior researcher, Karelian Institute, University of Eastern Finland, Finland (Author ID SCOPUS: 6507860742).

  8. Prof. Frederic Lebaron, President, Association Francaise de Sociologie, Professor of Sociology, Managing Director, Department of Social Sciences, Ecole normale superieure Paris-Saclay, France (Author ID Scopus: 6506463026ResearcherID: AAD-1318-2021).

  9. Dr Nikolai V. Kaledin, head of the Department of Regional Policy & Political Geography, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 6602486058);

  10. Prof. Konstantin K.Khudolei, head of the Department of European Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 56451674500);

  11. Prof. Vladimir A.Ko­losov, head of the La­boratory for Geopo­litical Stu­dies, Institute of Geography, Rus­sian Academy of Sci­ences (Author ID SCOPUS: 6603902089ORCID)

  12. Prof. Gen­nady V. Kretinin, Depart­ment of History, Immanuel Kant Baltic Fe­deral University, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 57191961401);

  13. Prof. Andrei Y. Melville, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University — Higher School of Economics, Russia (Author ID SCOPUS: 55627396800; ORCIDResearcherID: B-1152-2014);

  14. Prof. Nikolai M. Mezhevich, Department of Euro­pean Studies, Faculty of International Relations, Saint Peters­burg State Univer­sity, Rus­sia  (Author ID SCOPUS: 6507563925; ORCID);

  15. Prof. Peter Oppenheimer, Christ Church, Oxford University, United Kingdom (Author ID Scopus: 24364243700);

  16. Prof. Ta­deusz Palmowski, head of the De­partment of Regional De­velopment, University of Gdansk, Po­land (Author ID SCOPUS: 7801655725);

  17. Prof. Andrei E. Shastitko, head of the Department of Competitive and Industrial Policy, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Rus­sia (Author ID SCOPUS: 14621167700);

  18. Prof. Aleksander A. Sergunin, Department of History and Theory of International Relations, Saint Peters­burg State Univer­sity, Rus­sia (Author ID SCOPUS: 36770187400).

  19. Prof. Eduar­das Spiria­jevas, head of the Centre of Transborder Stud­ies, Klaipeda Univer­sity, Lithuania.

  20. Prof. Tomasz Studzieniecki, Assistant Professor, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland (Author ID Scopus: 55821174200ORCIDResearcherID: Q-7351-2018).

  21. Dr. Viktor V. Voronov, Lea­ding Re­search Fellow, In­stitute of Social Studies, Daugavpils Uni­versity, Lat­via (Author ID SCOPUS: 57192688178);

  22. Prof. Daniela Szymańska, head of the Department of Urban Studies and Regional Development, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (Poland) (Author ID SCOPUS: 29167473700; ORCIDResearcherID: G-1155-2014).