Балтийский регион
Baltic Region
ISSN: 2079-8555 (Print)
ISSN: 2310-0524 (Online)
Strategies for the development of the Baltic region
Pages 24-38

Geopolitical transformation of the Kaliningrad oblast of the Russian Federation



After the World War II, the part of East Prussia taken by the Soviet Union was transformed into a gigantic Soviet military base. It performed the functions of the outpost in the West on the one hand; and on the other hand, of the barrier which helped the USSR to ensure the dependence of the Eastern Baltics and domination in Poland. After the Cold War, Kaliningrad Oblast, a territory of 15,000 square metres with a population of nearly one million people, owned by the Russian Federation and located the farthest to the West, although on the Baltic Sea, ashore became isolated from the motherland and turned into an exclave. Gradually the exclave found itself first at the crossroads of different security structures and later — surrounded by one of them. Changes in the situation gave rise to the so-called Kaliningrad discourse, i. e. political decisions, academic discussions and research, influenced by the internal transformation in the USSR and the Russian Federation (RF) as well as slips in the international policies of Central and Eastern Europe.

1.     Habermas J. The Inclusion of the Other: Studies in Political Theory Cam­brid­ge, Massachusetts, The MIT Press, 1999.

2.     Huntington S. The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order. A Touchstone Book, 1997.

3.     Kant I. Political Writings. Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

4.     Lopata R. Lithuanian Card in Russian Policy, 1914—1917 // Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, 1994.  42. See also in Lithuanian: R. Lopata. Lietuvių korta Rusijos politikoje (1914—1917 m. slaptasis karas) // Darbai ir dienos: acta et commentationes Universitatis Vytauti Magni, 1995.  1 (10). P. 43—57.

5.     Lopata R. Žalys V. Lietuvos geopolitinis kodas // Politologija, 1995.  1 (6). P. 13—21.

6.     Lopata R. Sirutavičius V. Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast: a Clearer Frame for Cooperation // Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review, 1999.  3. P. 51—66; Lithua­nian Political Science Yearbook 1999. Vilnius, 2000. P. 266—276.

7.     Lopata R. Joenniemi P. Sirutavičius V. Vilpišauskas R. Impact Assesment of Lithuania’s Integration into the EU on Relations between Lithuania and Kaliningrad Oblast of the The Russian Federation // Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review. 2000. № 2 (6). P. 133—178.

8.     Lopata R. Die heutige Bedeutung Königsbergs. Annaberger Annalen // Jahr­buch über Lituaen und Deutsch-Litauische Beziehungen. 2001. № 9. P. 183—189.

9.     Lopata R. Vis dar užmirštas užkampis: Kaliningrado srities ateitis // Skaiti­niai apie nacionalinį saugumą. D. 2. Vilnius, 2001. P. 48—52.

10. Lopata R. Laurinavičius Č. Karinė reforma Rusijoje: politinės trajektorijos // Politologija. 2001. № 3 (23). P. 3—20. See also in English: Russia’s Military Re­form: Political Trajectories // Lithuanian Political Science Yearbook 2000. Vilnius, 2001. P. 197—210; Baltic Defence Review, 2001. № 6. P. 99—110.

11. Lopata R. Proč se vynořuji kaliningradske otázki? // Miezinárodní Polityka. 2002. R. XXVI, № 3. P. 10—11.

12. Lopata R. Relations with Russia; Lithuania’s Promotion of Regional Secu­ri­ty / R. Lopata, Č. Laurinavičius, E. Nekrašas et al. Lithuania’s Security and Fo­reign Policy Strategy, CSIS Eastern Europe Project. Washington D. C., CSIS, 2002. P. 34—37, 56—59. See also: Lithuanian Political Science Yearbook 2001. Vilnius, 2002. P. 206—208, 222—225.

13. Lopata R. Lithuania and the Promotion of Regional Security // The Great Debate. Vilnius: Ogamas, 2002. P. 55—66.

14. Lopata R. Laurinavičius ČSirutavičius V. Rusijos Federacijos karinis tranzi­tas į/iš Kaliningrado srities per Lietuvos teritoriją. Politologija. 2002. № 4 (28). P. 3—35. See also in English: Military Tranzit of the The Russian Federation through the Territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Lithuanian Political Science Yearbook 2001. Vilnius, 2002. P. 131—158.

15. Lopata R. Naujausios Kaliningradistikos apžvalga // Politologija. 2002. № 1 (25). P. 96—104. See also in English: Review of the Recent Publications on Kali­ningrad. Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review. 2002. № 2 (10). P. 81—88.

16. Lopata R. Euroregions: Making the Idea Work // H. M. Birckenbach, Ch. Wellman (eds.). The Kaliningrad Challenge: Options and Recommendations. Miun­ster: LIT Verlag, SCHIFF. 2003. Bd. 10. P. 247—256.

17. Lopata R. Potsdamo šleifas — “Kaliningrado galvosūkio” raktas? [rec. kn.: V. Landsbergis. Karaliaučius ir Lietuva. Nuostatos ir idėjos. Vilnius: Demokratinės politikos institutas, 2003. 321 p.] // Politologija. 2003. № 4 (32). P. 117—124.

18. Lopata R. The Transit of Russian Citizens to and from Kaliningrad Oblast through Lithuania's Territory / Kaliningrad in Europe: a study commissioned by the Council of Europe. Strasbourg, 2003. P. 103—114. See also in Russian: Lopata R. Tranzit rossijskich grazhdan iz Kaliningradskoj oblasti i v Kaliningradskuju oblast cherez teritoriju Litvy. Kaliningrad v Jevrope: issledovanie podgotovleno po zakazu Soveta Evropy. Strasburg, 2003. P. 115—127.

19. Lopata R. Geopolitinis įkaitas: Rusijos Federacijos Kaliningrado (Kara­liaučiaus) srities atvejis // Lietuvos metinė strateginė apžvalga 2003. Vilnius, 2004. P. 177—192. See also in English: R. Lopata. Geopolitical Hostage: the Case of Ka­liningrad Oblast of the the Russian Federation // Lithuanian Annual Strategic Re­view 2003. Vilnius, 2004. P. 203—220.

20. Lopata R. Statkus N. Empires, the World Order and Small States // Lithua­nian Foreign Policy Review, 2005. № 1—2 (13—14). P. 17—52.

21. Lopata R. Kaliningrad Anniversary: the First Steps of Georgy Boos // Li­thuanian Foreign Policy Review. 2005. № 1—2 (13—14). P. 127—152.

22. Lopata R. Kaliningrad otage géopolitique de la Russie: un point de vue li­tuanien. // Le courrier des pays de l'Est, 2005. № 1048. P. 30—39; Lopata R. Geo­political Hostage: The Case of Kaliningrad Oblast in the the Russian Federation // Rindzeviciute E. (ed.). Contemporary Change in Kaliningrad: A Window to Europe? (Baltic & East European Studies 6). Huddinge: Center for Baltic & East European Studies, 2006. P. 35—54.

23. Rawls J. The Law of Peoples with „The Idea of Public Reason Revisited“. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England, Harvard University Press, 1999.

24. Williams H. Back from the USSR: Kant, Kaliningrad and World Peace // International Relations. 2006. № 20. P. 27—48.
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