Балтийский регион
Baltic Region
ISSN: 2079-8555 (Print)
ISSN: 2310-0524 (Online)
Pages 15-29

Minimising Investment Risks Through Optimising Public-Private Partnership: The Case of the Kaliningrad Region



This study undertakes a contextual analysis of economic and legal risks associated with investment in the Kaliningrad region. The authors emphasise the importance of public-private partnership (PPP) in minimising such risks in order to enhance the region’s attractiveness and to solve development problems. PPP has never been studied as a means to minimise regional investment risks in current conditions. This accounts for the scientific novelty of examining investment risks minimisation through proving the essentiality of developing PPP mechanisms on a unique Russian territory — the Kaliningrad region. The article analyses current investment risks, conditions, barriers, and avenues to enhance the investment climate in the Kaliningrad region. The authors utilise data on current investment in the region and consider the principles of the region’s investment policy. The study stresses the need to develop the regional economy’s ‘points of growth’ within PPP schemes. It is proposed that the region and its municipalities should participate in partner projects in a manner that, firstly, is transparent to national and international investors and concordant with best practices and, secondly, enables the executive authorities and businesses to collaborate in developing the most efficient legal framework for partnership. The article identifies the role of PPP in solving the problem of regional development and gives recommendations on overcoming barriers and implementing PPP projects in the region.

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