Балтийский регион
Baltic Region
ISSN: 2079-8555 (Print)
ISSN: 2310-0524 (Online)
Innovative development of fishing industry
Pages 110-112

The innovative aspects of the fishing fleet development in the Russian exclave region



Our country has set a course for the economy modernisation on the basis of innovative development. In the post-war period until 1991, the exclave of Russia — the Kaliningrad region — showed high rates of socioeconomic development due to the establishment of a large-scale sea fishing industry. Such success rested on research and innovative activity. This article analyses the successful innovative development of the fishing fleet in the historical perspective: new vessels, the development of new equipment, introduction of innovative forms of fishing organisation. The authors offer data on the efficiency of such innovative initiatives. This historical experience  is of great importance given the revival of industrial fishing in the Kaliningrad region.

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fleet and the port industry of the USSR], Moscow, Piwevaja promyshlennost'.
2. Sysoev, N. P. 1989, Jekonomika rybnoj promyshlennosti [Economics of Fisheries], Moscow, VO «Agropromizdat».
3. Sysoev, N. P. 1992, Rybnoe hozjajstvo SSSR i Rossii (za 1990—1991 gg. —sostojanie i perspektivy) [Fisheries of the USSR and Russia (1990—1991 — Status and prospects)], Moscow, VNIJeRH.
4. Ivchenko, V. V. 2010, Gorizonty morehozjajstvennogo razvitija rossijskogo jeksklava (ot stagnacii k vozrozhdeniju) [Horizons of marine economic development of the Russian exclave (from stagnation to recovery)], Kaliningrad, RGU im. I. Kanta.
The article